Author: sdotson

Recent site problems

As it turns out, the internet is a cesspool of nefarious characters looking to bring down websites for no reason.

I finally found time to bring this website back from the ashes. If you are a visitor just stumbling across this website for the first time, a visitor from years ago, or you might have even noticed that this website was down for several months, rest assured, there is a real person looking after this website. I’m hoping to keep this afloat awhile longer. Feel free to reach out!


I finally got around to launching this site! Please check out the “What we Know” page to read about what we know about this mysterious man and his family.

I created this website as a resource for folks who trace their ancestry to a Henry Dotson born in North Carolina in 1823 and living in Rabun County, Georgia in the years 1850-1880. My own genealogical research led me to identify this Henry Dotson as a distant ancestor. My determination to find out who this man was and where he came from brought me to numerous online forums, websites, and even the backwoods of Rabun county itself.

My goal for this website is to correct the misinformation out there, serve as a resource for others who have identified Henry Dotson as an ancestor, and hopefully break through this brick wall to find out who Henry Dotson was, where he came from, and what brought him out to Rabun County, Georgia.

I hope this website will allow me to connect to distant cousins and hopefully one day get to the bottom of this mystery once and for all. I’ll be adding new features and content as I find time.